How To Use A Denture Adhesive

There are different ways of applying a denture adhesive which depends upon the type and brand you have chosen. The paste type of adhesive will be used differently to the powder and strip versions.

What we would recommend is that you follow the instructions provided at all times and exactly as they are stated on the packaging. Do not be tempted to use more than is necessary as this can cause problems.

Whatever denture adhesive you use, make sure that you clean and soak your dentures thoroughly to ensure that all traces have been removed before you next wear them.

Applying a paste denture adhesive

The process starts with a thorough cleaning of your dentures.

Remove the denture from your mouth and brush away food debris and plaque. Then rinse and soak in denture cleaner, for example ‘Steradent’.

A paste can be applied to both wet and dry dentures. Squeeze a tiny amount onto the denture but avoid doing so near the sides of the denture. Apply 3 tiny blobs “one in the middle and two either side.

Rinse out your mouth with water before placing the denture and bite down hard for 10 to 15 seconds. The natural suction within your mouth and the adhesive will keep it in place.

Applying a powder denture adhesive

The process is similar with a powder adhesive in that you clean your dentures in exactly the same way as described above. Then shake off any excess water but leave the denture in a damp condition.

Rinse out your mouth with water to remove food particles and excess saliva. Then squeeze a small amount of powder onto both dentures. Shake off any excess powder before placing the denture in your mouth.

And, bite down firmly for 10 seconds to help secure it in place.

Applying the strip denture adhesive

The same applies here. Remove your dentures and clean them with a soft toothbrush. This will remove any excess saliva and food debris from the denture.

Then rinse and leave to soak. Swill a glass of water around your mouth to remove any food particles and saliva especially excess saliva if you suffer from this.

Take an adhesive strip from the box and remove the foil backing. Attach the strip to the denture and press down firmly, making sure that you smooth out any air bubbles. Trim the adhesive strip if necessary so that it lines up with the dentures.

Then replace the dentures in your mouth and bit down firmly. Do this for around 10 to 15 seconds which will help to hold it in place.

Some denture adhesives are stronger than others, for example ‘Super Poligrip’ but it is a matter of personal choice. You may need to use a denture adhesive more often on a lower denture rather than an upper denture: the reason for this is that the lower denture is prone to moving around due to the action of the tongue against the teeth.